Defenders of Wildlife

Help Protect Diverse Species Across The Nation!

Recent studies uncovered alarming news about the state of biodiversity.

In the last 50 years, people have wiped out 68% of all mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles.

Scientists say we can slow down and even reverse losses to biodiversity if we act boldly.

Complete the following three steps and, for a limited time, GreaterGood will fund the protection of 21.8 square feet of wildlife habitat.


why we need to act now...


an easy question...


how you can do more...

1 Watch the video

2 It’s biodiversity that gives us food, clean air and water.

3 More help is needed:

With 1 million species at risk of extinction in our lifetime, we need to act now to protect biodiversity before it's too late.

Defenders of Wildlife’s National Wildlife Rescue Campaign will help protect diverse species across the nation.

But they need your support.

Donate now to help repair ecosystems and stave off the deadly threat of extinction!

Rescue Our Nation’s Wildlife →

Help Save Endangered Right Whales
Adobe Stock: Joshua Haviv